Gubbi Civil Engineers Limited

Cement Grouting

Cement Grouting - The Ideal Crack Repair Agent

Grouting Contractors in India

The cement grouting process involves cement injection under a certain amount of pressure to fill fractures and voids formed in concrete structures. The simple form of cement grouting helps fill the gaps, increase the strength & impermeability capacity of the RC member and reduce the porosity of honeycomb members. Pressured cement grouting involves injecting a grouting material – an admixture of cement and water and a non-shrink material, into an inaccessible but interconnected pore or void space of the concrete structure.

Another use of cement grouting is to correct the construction faults in concrete and masonry structures. Cement grouting has been applied usage in several structural works including, bridges, marine applications, dams, and rock anchors.

Advantages of Cement Grouting