Micro Fine Cement Grouting
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Understanding The Micro Fine Cement Grouting Method

The cement used in micro-fine cement grouting is considered four times superior and of better quality than regular cement. The process forms a cementitious grout and lets the grout penetrate tiny pores and cracks. The tendency to penetrate minor cracks and microscopic rock openings allows it to increase strength, and durability and reduce permeability. The grouting method uses a mixture of the expander and vulcanizing agents. In construction areas where grouting is impossible, the micro-fine cement grouting method proves to be beneficial as it grouts medium-to-fine sands.
This type of grouting method is known for its exceptional flow properties and potential characteristics. Micro fine cement grouting is known as non-toxic, odourless, pollution and shrinkage-free, making it a widely used grouting method.
Benefits of Micro Fine Cement Grouting
- The ideal purpose of this grouting technique aims to solve is to increase the strength of the bearings, assure the filling of gaps and making them airtight, seal water and stop seepage.
- This process of grouting does not bear the brunt of strength reduction over time.
- It is a non-disruptive method. It prevents settlement and heaving.
Applications of Micro Fine Cement Grouting
- This grouting method helps in averting settlements of roads and embankment.
- Cofferdams are prevented from heaving or boiling with the help of the micro fine cement grouting method.
- It stabilizes the soil in landslide-prone areas.
- It fixes and conducts water sealing in damaged zone/areas.
- This type of grouting proves to be a remedy for preventing differential settlement of oil tanks.